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January 19, 2025
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
UPDATE**(May 10): Due to impending rain for Saturday’s Walk, the event will now begin and END at ST. Peter’s church.
Lake Erie and St. Clair Catholic Family of Parishes and Vocations London presents “WALKING IN HIS FOOTSTEPS” Pilgrimage for Priestly Vocations. May 11,2024. With special guest: Bishop Ronald P. Fabbro, Bishop of the Diocese of London. START 7:00 AM Mass at St. Peter’s, Tilbury. WALK 15KM Walk to Merlin Shrine. GATHER LUNCH at Merlin Shrine with Praise and Worship.
On Sat May 11, there will be a Pilgrim Walk to the Rosary Shrine beginning with an early mass at St. Peter’s. The route will be down pump road to the Merlin Town Line to the Shrine. The Theme of the walk is Vocations. Bishop Fabbro will be in attendance for mass and part of the walk. A light BBQ lunch, live worship music and whiteness talks are planned at the Shrine.
IF the weather is bad, we will have a different route in the rain after mass which will loop back to St. Peter’s Hall.
We will have a porta-potti set up at Hwy #2 and the Merlin Park-and-Ride as one station. We will have two other stations set up along the Merlin Town line on the way to the Shrine and one other near the train tracks on Pump Road.
We would like 5-6 volunteers at each of the 5 stations, hopefully from each of the 5 area worship sites – Visitation, St. Francis, Immaculee, St. Peters and St. Patricks.
At least One member of the team with a cell phone with number provided for emergencies and time updates
One member to provide a folding table for snacks
One member to provide lots of cool water for refilling water bottles and some paper cups for water
One member to provide fruit (apples, oranges, cut pineapple, strawberries etc)
One member to provide snack bars or finger snacks or halloween size snacks.
One member to provide a gazebo (or two) should it be very sunny at the time.
One member to be on garbage duty for wrappers pilgrims have and ensure total clean up.
One member to provide some folding chairs to provide rest for those that want to sit.
It is hoped that we can encourage people who have been looking for something simple to be involved in, without any future commitments expected rather than approach our service groups for this one. The costs of supplies and food will be reimbursed with receipts.
Please let the presider of the mass know the names and phone numbers of the 5-6 team members or send all information directly via email to Deacon Raymond.
Deacon Raymond
Serving the Erie St. Clair Family of Parishes with Joy
Service is a Baptismal Promise
past news
Shrine Days 2022
Covid-19 had put a huge damper on things last year, as we were unable to have the Shrine Days with full liturgical services. But we were fortunate to have last year's shrine days in a moderate way amidst lots of restrictions. This year we are slowly coming back to...
Our Lady of the Cape Pilgrim Statue Tour
A VERY SPECIAL EVENT is going to take place at St. Patrick’s Church & Shrine on Sunday, May 15, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. It is the 75th Anniversary of its last Pilgrimage. In 1947, it travelled from Cape de la Madeleine, at Trois Riviere, Quebec to the Peace Fountain in Windsor, ON. This time it will be done in reverse. Dennis and Angelina Girard are in charge of this tour. They founded the “Mary Devotional Movement”.
Easter is special at so many levels; Our Easter for this year looks different as well. From spending time with family to enjoying the spring weather, there’s plenty to celebrate. It is the day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.