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January 19, 2025
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The funeral Mass for Archbishop Gervais, a former Auxiliary Bishop of London and Archbishop Emeritus of Ottawa, will take place in Ottawa on Monday evening. Bishop Fabbro will need to attend this funeral Mass, and it will make it impossible for him to return home in time on Tuesday to say Mass at the Shrine on the Feast of the Assumption. He deeply regrets this last-minute cancellation, knowing that many people from our diocese come to the Shrine on this day to celebrate Mass with him. However, there is nothing that can be done about the schedule conflict. Further INFO to follow.
Rosarian Priests
past news
Divine Mercy Sunday
To celebrate The Divine Mercy, on Sunday April 11, there will be a Mass at 3:00 PM at St. Patrick's church, and will be open to ALL. No registration required. The attendance seating will be on a first come, first serve basis. Confessions will be heard at 2:00 PM...
Easter Message 2021
He is not here, he has Risen, Mk 16:6 My dear Friends, With great joy in our hearts, we the Rosarians announce to you: “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! ”This ancient greeting sums up what we celebrate this Easter Sunday, the joy of Christ risen and alive in our...
My Dear Friends
I am writing this short message to you to ask you to prepare yourselves to celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick – our church Feast. I know this year many people may not able to come for the feast day mass due to the pandemic. Still we can prepare ourselves spiritually...