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March 16, 2025

Second Sunday of Lent

2023 Shrine Days Thanks

Dear sisters and brothers,

Greetings of love in the name of the Lord and Mother Mary.

Through this writing, we are so happy to share our joy and happiness after we have had such a very successful and prayerful Shrine Days for this year 2023. We the Rosarians wanted to take a moment to personally thank you all for attending the Diocesan Shrine Days 2023 at Our Lady of the Rosary Shrine in Merlin. Your presence and participation helped make the event a success and we truly appreciate your support.

We believe that all who visited the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary in the Diocese of London did enjoy the Shrine Days and spiritually benefitted. With the providence of God successfully we are able to complete the Shrine Days of this year. We hope you found all was as spiritual and engaging as we did.

After having the successful Shrine Days, it is indeed our pleasure to remember each one who contributed and dedicated for having grace filled and beautiful liturgical servicers amidst so many challenges. We would like to thank in general all who support us spiritually and morally even by your mere presence. Especially, we are so grateful to our dear volunteers who became the back bone for making this event successful. We really appreciate your selfless service which helped a lot to have the liturgical services in an orderly and meaningful manner.

Also we are grateful to our St. Patrick’s community and to the Shrine Committee for their encouragements and support. Special thanks to all the priests and the deacons of our Diocese who coordinated each of the Shrine Days. They inspire us with their reflections and enriched and nourished us with the celebration of the Eucharist. We thank all our dear pilgrims who give us their continuous support. While we appreciate your moral and spiritual support, we hope, with the same spirit, you would continue supporting the shrine and the priests throughout the year.

The Shrine is open year round for the public and for their personal prayers. Please keep visiting the Diocesan Shrine Our Lady of the Rosary, Merlin and continue to give your financial support for its growth. We the Rosarians pray for your intentions before the Blessed Sacrament daily. Enjoy the upcoming Fall. May God bless you.



past news

COVID-19 Update from Bishop Fabbro

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Divine Mercy Sunday

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Easter Message 2021

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