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March 16, 2025
Second Sunday of Lent
My dear Sisters and Brothers,
We have begun the Holy Season of Lent that invites us to follow Jesus more closely in his suffering, passion, death; and experience the glory of Resurrection in our lives too. Our spiritual disciplines help us to walk with Jesus our Savior who underwent indescribable sufferings to transform the humanity that was disfigured by sin and evil.
Lent is also the time of God’s favor and Grace. If we enter into the contemplation on the passion of the Lord and the salvation history, we will surely experience transformation in our spiritual life. Our Holy Father Francis says years back in his Lenten message that we need to set apart time and space, to walk with Jesus to climb the mount Tabor in order to experience the transfiguration of the Lord and to live a particular experience of Spiritual discipline.
Lenten penance is a commitment, sustained by grace, to overcome our lack of faith and our resistance to follow Jesus on the way of the Cross. We need to set out on the journey, an uphill that, like a mountain trek, requires effort, sacrifices and concentration. We need to fix our eyes on the path that Jesus walked, to be accompanied by Jesus in our daily way of the Cross. Lent leads everyone to Easter; let us prepare for that glorious experience of Joy of being with the Lord and being transformed into his image and likeness.
Wishing everyone to have a blessed Lenten Season. It is the season to be praying, fasting and alms-giving, and remember to spend more time with Jesus wherever we are.
FYI: Here at St Patrick’s Church we have two masses at 8am and 7pm on Ash Wednesday. We do Stations of the Cross at 6.15pm followed by mass on every Friday during the Lent. And the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available before and after the mass every day.
Wish you all A Blessed Lent!
Rosarian Fathers
past news
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Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ
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