Sunday Mass Times:
10:00 AM
Week Day Masses
Monday | Wednesday | Friday 7 pm
Doors open for Prayer at 6 pm
Tuesday | Thursday | Saturday 8 am
Adoration after mass
LENT: Stations of the Cross at 6.15 pm before mass on Friday. Sacrament of Reconciliation is available before and after mass.
Confessions available by appointment and prior to all masses.
Baptism / First Communion / Marriage:
Contact our office.
Online Mass:
Lakes Erie & St. Clair Catholic Family of Parishes
Sunday Mass is live-streamed at 10:00am
Lakes Erie & St. Clair Family of Parishes Website: (click here)
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March 26, 2025
Third Sunday in Lent
March 16, 2025
Second Sunday of Lent
of the week
Rosarians Lenten Message
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ. As we enter the sacred season of Lent, we are invited into a time of deep reflection, repentance, and renewal. Lent is not just a period of fasting and abstinence; it is a spiritual journey that calls us to draw closer to God by purifying our hearts and renewing our commitment to Him. Lent mirrors the forty days Jesus spent in the desert, fasting and praying, preparing for His public ministry. In the same way, we are called to retreat from distractions, examine our lives, and make room for God’s grace to transform us. The three pillars of Lent—prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—are not mere rituals but powerful means to realign our hearts with God’s will. Prayer deepens our relationship with God, reminding us that we are His beloved children. Fasting helps us detach from worldly comforts, teaching us to rely on God’s providence rather than material things. Almsgiving challenges us to live selflessly, extending God’s love and mercy to those in need.Spiritually. Lent is a time to confront our weaknesses, seek God’s mercy, and allow His grace to renew us. It is a journey from sin to salvation, from darkness to light, from death to resurrection. If we embrace this season with sincerity, Easter will not just be a celebration of Christ’s victory over death but also a renewal of our own spiritual lives. Let us, therefore, walk this Lenten journey with faith, humility, and a sincere desire to grow in holiness, trusting that God will lead us to the joy of His resurrection.
God bless.
Have you checked out the section WAYS TO GET INVOLVED? (located on the Home Page) There will be more topics coming as “things open up”. In the meatime check out the one called PRAYER. There are weekly prayers and monthly devotions.
Cemetery Board
Contact the Church Office
(519) 689 – 7760
Leave a message, your phone number and email, and the information will be directed to the Cemetery Board.
Someone from the Board will get back to you.