Easter Message 2021
He is not here, he has Risen, Mk 16:6 My dear Friends, With great joy in our hearts, we the Rosarians announce to you: “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! ”This ancient greeting sums up what we celebrate this Easter Sunday, the joy of Christ risen and alive in our...My Dear Friends
I am writing this short message to you to ask you to prepare yourselves to celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick – our church Feast. I know this year many people may not able to come for the feast day mass due to the pandemic. Still we can prepare ourselves spiritually...WORLD DAY OF PRAYER
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER will be celebrated on March 5, 2021. This year St. Patrick’s Church was to host the WDP for our area but due to the pandemic it is being offered virtually. This is a day when Christians from over 170 countries come together in spirit to pray for...Rosarian Christmas Message
My dear friends, The Angel said to her, “do not be afraid Mary, you have found favor with God. Like Mary, invited by the Angel not to be afraid and to trust in God, so too we are called to be closely united with Jesus and to trust in him these days. In this difficult...Shrine Mass Cancellations
Over the last weeks we have experienced a number of positive cases of Covid 19 in our area, with a significant increase in the numbers in the past few days. This is extremely concerning to us for the Church and Shrine. Fr. Antony, Fr. Sebastin and myself, Andy Van Zelst, had a lengthy discussion concerning this increase. We had planned on having a Mass outside in the Shrine on both August 15th, The Feast Day of the Assumption of Mary, and August 22nd, The Feast Day of the Queenship of Mary. Regretfully we have decided that the best course of action to protect everyone and keep everyone SAFE is to cancel both of these Masses.