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Pope Francis in Canada: Walking Together

Pope Francis Apostolic Journey begins on Sunday and it is being described by the Vatican as a “penitential pilgrimage.” A reminder the full program and the latest updates are at www.papalvisit.ca or www.visitepapale.ca. Please keep the Pope and all those who are...

Shrine Days 2022

Covid-19 had put a huge damper on things last year, as we were unable to have the Shrine Days with full liturgical services. But we were fortunate to have last year’s shrine days in a moderate way amidst lots of restrictions. This year we are slowly coming back...

Our Lady of the Cape Pilgrim Statue Tour

A VERY SPECIAL EVENT is going to take place at St. Patrick’s Church & Shrine on Sunday, May 15, 2022 at 1:30 p.m.  It is the 75th Anniversary of its last Pilgrimage.  In 1947, it travelled from Cape de la Madeleine, at Trois Riviere, Quebec to the Peace Fountain in Windsor, ON.  This time it will be done in reverse.  Dennis and Angelina Girard are in charge of this tour.  They founded the “Mary Devotional Movement”.


Easter is special at so many levels; Our Easter for this year looks different as well. From spending time with family to enjoying the spring weather, there’s plenty to celebrate. It is the day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Covid-19 Update #25

We have come a long way during this pandemic and have all had to make difficult decisions and sacrifices. . . . Recently, the Government of Ontario lifted more of the pandemic restrictions, which allows us to do so for our worship spaces, halls, and parochial and diocesan offices.

A. The following changes come into effect on Monday, 21 March.

Three Days of Novena for Feast of St. Patrick

My dear friends, We are writing this short message to ask you to prepare yourselves to celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick – our church Feast. As we have been back to normal and are allowed to have the liturgical celebrations with fully opened churches, again...