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My dear brothers and sisters, Greetings of Peace, Love, Blessing and Joy of the Risen Lord be with You All! Jesus Christ, who suffered and died for humanity, is risen and lives forever. After the death of Jesus the disciples experienced the presence of the Risen Lord...


My dear Sisters and Brothers, We have begun the Holy Season of Lent that invites us to follow Jesus more closely in his suffering, passion, death; and experience the glory of Resurrection in our lives too. Our spiritual disciplines help us to walk with Jesus our...


“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of goodwill.” This is the peace message that we are receiving on the Christmas Season. As we know during the Lenten Season we have the Way of the Cross that we are remembering the sufferings and death of Jesus,...


The whole world is getting ready for Christmas, together with the Church. We are all planning about how we use these weeks before Christmas – which we call Advent. Now many people are already busy getting things ready for Christmas. Thinking about sending cards...

2023 Shrine Days Thanks

Dear sisters and brothers, Greetings of love in the name of the Lord and Mother Mary. Through this writing, we are so happy to share our joy and happiness after we have had such a very successful and prayerful Shrine Days for this year 2023. We the Rosarians wanted to...