“Give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good ,
His love endures for ever”
As we celebrate today the 10th year of our existence in Merlin, Canada. First of all we Thank God for the manifold blessings that He showered upon the Rosarian community. I also take this opportunity to thank all our parishioners. With gratitude we remember today all our parishioners, friends, supporters, well-wishers, benefactors, and associates, and thank them for their love, concern and friendship towards the Rosarians.
The last ten years you all walked with us, journeyed with us in our sorrows and happiness. Thank you very much for taking care of the Rosarians. We really appreciate you and thank you. Your love, concern, friendship and friendly talk made us to feel at home in Merlin.
The best and only gift we the Rosarians offer to you and your children today and for ever is that of our prayers.
God bless.
Frs. Antony and Sebastin.