UPDATED (May 9 at 8:00 pm): SHORTER RAIN ROUTE will be used from ST. PETERS looping through PRAIRIE SIDING back to ST PETERS. HOUR BY HOUR info: (click here) eriestclairparishes.com/shrine-walk-may-11

UPDATE:  Lake Erie and St. Clair Catholic Family of Parishes and Vocations London presents “WALKING IN HIS FOOTSTEPS” Pilgrimage for Priestly Vocations. May 11, 2024. With special guest: Bishop Ronald P. Fabbro, Bishop of the Diocese of London. START 7:00 AM Mass at St. Peter’s, Tilbury. WALK 15KM Walk to Merlin Shrine. GATHER LUNCH at Merlin Shrine with Praise and Worship. REGISTRATION at dolpriest.ca/walking  ALL are Welcome to join for the whole event (or part of the event by starting walk from rest stations along route).