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The Episcopal Council gathered on 25 January to look at the how our parishes may be operating during the upcoming Season of Lent. Father Michael Béchard, Director of Liturgy for the Diocese, joined the meeting to offer his expertise. While we see progress in the decreasing numbers of COVID cases in the province, due to the current lock-down, we expect that it will be some time before we are allowed to open our churches again. With that in mind, we considered each aspect of Lent and Easter with the possibility that the current lock-down would continue and that some or all regions of the Diocese might be declared as “red” or other colours, allowing more openness. Some of the directives will be specified under two titles: “LOCK-DOWN” and “OPEN”. The latter presumes all restrictions are in place for capacity, distancing, the use of masks and cleaning protocols as earlier defined. In this upcoming holy and joyful season, let us profess our hope in God’s presence among us through our love for our neighbours. May we prepare our hearts and minds to be renewed in our baptismal commitment as faithful disciples of Jesus. Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, C.S.B. Bishop of London

For the complete article use this link: 2021 01 29 COVID-19 Update-17.pdf (dionet.ca)