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The funeral Mass for Archbishop Gervais, a former Auxiliary Bishop of London and Archbishop Emeritus of Ottawa, will take place in Ottawa on Monday evening. Bishop Fabbro will need to attend this funeral Mass, and it will make it impossible for him to return home in...


He is not here, he has Risen, Mk 16:6 My dear Friends With great joy in our hearts we the Rosarians announce to you: “Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed!” This ancient greeting sums up what we celebrate this Easter Sunday, the joy of Christ risen and alive in our...

Lenten Message

LENT is a season of grace if we live it fully. Christian life is always lived with Prayer, Penance and Contemplation on the passion of the Lord. We are exhorted to live a life in communion with God and our Blessed Mother. During this season let us try our best in our...

Pope Francis in Canada: Walking Together

Pope Francis Apostolic Journey begins on Sunday and it is being described by the Vatican as a “penitential pilgrimage.” A reminder the full program and the latest updates are at www.papalvisit.ca or www.visitepapale.ca. Please keep the Pope and all those who are...

Shrine Days 2022

Covid-19 had put a huge damper on things last year, as we were unable to have the Shrine Days with full liturgical services. But we were fortunate to have last year’s shrine days in a moderate way amidst lots of restrictions. This year we are slowly coming back...